FRAUD! Violence Against Women Act FRAUD!

By David J. Stewart | November 2013

2nd Peter 2:9-10, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”

       Thank God for all you hard-working, loyal, sweet and caring ladies around the world who still value marriage, motherhood and femininity. I have the utmost respect for godly women and ladies who value chastity, modesty and virtue. Sadly, we are living in a heathen generation of sluts, whores and homewreckers! Granted, the world has always been evil, but modern-day technology through television, videos and digital graphics imaging have permitted the human body to be exploited as never before. Lewdness surrounds us in world cultures today.

Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act

by Phyllis Schlafly | February 8, 2012

The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 2 on a straight party-line vote. That proves again that the feminists control the Democratic Party, and also is a refreshing indication that Republicans are no longer intimidated by feminist demands.
VAWA was originally passed by Congress in 1994, with Bill Clinton pushing the law as a payoff to the feminists for supporting his election as President. Joe Biden claims credit as a major sponsor and likes to say it is the legislation of which he is most proud.

In its 17 years of operation, it has done little or no good for real victims of domestic violence, while its funds have been used to fill feminist coffers and to lobby for feminist objectives and laws. Although every spending bill should be subject to rigorous auditing procedures in order to curb waste and fraud, VAWA has somehow ducked accountability for the nearly a billion dollars a year it doles out to radical feminist organizations.

Despite rigid feminist dogma that there are no gender differences, VAWA is totally grounded in feminist-created gender stereotypes. Starting with its title, Violence Against Women, its fundamental assumption is that men are naturally batterers and women are naturally victims.
In other words, men are always guilty, and women must always be believed without fear of being punished for perjury. VAWA assumes there is no violence against men, and VAWA doesn't provide services for men who are victims of domestic violence.

The feminists have so broadened the definition of domestic violence that it doesn't have to be violent and can be whatever a woman alleges. Definitions of domestic violence include vague and overbroad concepts such as emotional distress, harassment, annoyance, or merely unpleasant speech.

Feminist recipients of VAWA's handouts use the money to train legislators, judges and prosecutors in feminist ideology and goals. This has resulted in dozens of state laws calling for mandatory arrest (i.e., the police must arrest someone, so guess who), and no-drop prosecution (i.e., the man must be prosecuted even in the large percentage of cases where the woman has withdrawn her accusation or refuses to testify).

Instead of promoting divorce, breakup of marriage, and hatred of men, VAWA should be revised to encourage counseling when appropriate and voluntary. Some VAWA money should be used for programs to help couples terminate use of illegal drugs and reduce the use of alcohol.

Any man who is accused of domestic violence effectively loses a long list of constitutional rights accorded to ordinary criminals. These include due process, presumption that he is innocent until proven guilty, equal treatment under the law, right to a fair trial, right to confront his accusers, freedom of speech, right to privacy in family matters, custody or visitation with his own children, and even the right to bear arms.

The woman is provided with legal representation even though she has not presented any evidence of injury or harm. The man gets no such help.

About a fourth of divorces involve an allegation of domestic violence, which in many cases is false or without any evidence. Those allegations usually result in the issuance of restraining orders which the Illinois Bar Association has referred to as "part of the gamesmanship of divorce."

It's no surprise that VAWA is often referred to as the hate-men law. The attitude of many judges and prosecutors who have been trained by the feminists with VAWA funds was expressed by one New Jersey judge whose extravagant statement was even reported in the New Jersey Law Journal: "Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional rights of the man that you're violating as you grant a restraining order. Throw him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back, and tell him, 'See ya' around.'"

Judges are required to consider allegations of domestic violence in awarding child custody, even though no evidence of abuse is presented. This usually results in the complete severing of child's relationship with his father.

VAWA should be completely revised to provide meaningful definitions of domestic violence that are specific enough to identify real victims, to stop the over-criminalization of minor partner discord, to emphasize counseling rather than incarceration, to assure that training programs for prosecutors and judges are objective, to assure accountability by tracking the large flow of taxpayers' money, to respect fathers' rights, to inspect shelters to evaluate success and fairness, and to develop programs to address the common problem of mutual partner abuse.

If VAWA is not reformed to respect constitutional rights, it will turn out to be a major embarrassment to all Members of Congress who vote for it.

SOURCE: Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act The Eagle Forum, by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly)

Let me quote some of these frightening realities again...

The woman is provided with legal representation even though she has not presented any evidence of injury or harm. The man gets no such help.

About a fourth of divorces involve an allegation of domestic violence, which in many cases is false or without any evidence. Those allegations usually result in the issuance of restraining orders which the Illinois Bar Association has referred to as "part of the gamesmanship of divorce."

SOURCE: Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act The Eagle Forum, by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly)

As you read earlier, VAWA is often referred to as the HATE-MEN LAW...

It's no surprise that VAWA is often referred to as the hate-men law. The attitude of many judges and prosecutors who have been trained by the feminists with VAWA funds was expressed by one New Jersey judge whose extravagant statement was even reported in the New Jersey Law Journal: "Your job is not to become concerned about all the constitutional rights of the man that you're violating as you grant a restraining order. Throw him out on the street, give him the clothes on his back, and tell him, 'See ya' around.'"

SOURCE: Day of Reckoning for Violence Against Women Act The Eagle Forum, by Dr. Phyllis Schlafly)

A man's Biblical rights are ignored in the United States. Instead kooks, quacks, queers and rebel feminists have all the rights these days. It is wickedness!!! A nation that ignores God's plan of authority is headed for destruction. Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Either Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin (or both God forbid) may become U.S. President in the future in the Lord tarries. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

It just goes to show that anyone can become U.S. President. It's a puppet position. You read speeches prepared by other people. You show up for the Veteran's Day memorial, kiss babies, pretend you care and you got the job. The true Masonic powers abiding in Washington D.C. make all major decisions and the President follows, or else (remember John F. Kennedy). We have lost our nation! Criminals control America! They call it Democracy, but it is tyranny and mob rule. The mainstream newsmedia is their primary weapon against their enemies, and to indoctrinate and control their minions. Truth is stranger than fiction!

Satan's Goal Is To Remove Masculine Authority From Families

The father represents God in the home. The reason why husbands and fathers are under malicious attack in America is part of a massive New World Order agenda to destroy the traditional home, undermine Christianity and eliminate freedom, sovereignty and that deadly foe of tyranny, individuality. Listen to what George Brock Chisholm, first head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said 60-years ago...

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954

Any normal person can perceive from recent television commercials and shows that there is a general disdain for men, contempt for women who fulfill the role of homemaker in the home, and a total abandonment of the traditional family in America. ABC's modern family promotes lesbian couples and homosexuals adopting children. The Word of God teaches that homosexuality is a sin. It is not a matter of individual freedom; but rather morality as dictated by the Bible. The problem is that American society rejects the holy Bible; therefore, man becomes his own god, living by his own rules and book instead of God's. Woe unto the wicked!

I believe it is possible for two homosexuals to love each other, but that doesn't make it right in God's eyes. It's not ok to sleep with your neighbor's wife just because you both fell in love. It is the sin of adultery! Of the Ten Commandments in the Bible, only two are prohibited by laws in America: stealing and murder. Homosexuality was prevalent in the city of Sodom before God destroyed it. America cannot last. Our liberties will vanish. A police state will continue to rise around us. Fox News now plays demonic ACDC songs during commercial breaks; such as, “She'll Be All Night Long” (which are clearly sexual lyrics). All the women on Fox wear lewd miniskirts and open blouses showing their cleavages. America has gone to hell morally.

Everybody acts as if this is the new generation knows better than God, knows better than the holy Bible, knows better than their conservative, Christian, parents. They don't! Youth today are as punks, arrogant, cocky, having all the answers yet knowing nothing, alienated from God. Worse, they've been indoctrinated with hatred for Christianity by the hellish internet, public schools, worldly music and lying newsmedia.

I challenge you ladies to purpose in your heart to dress modestly, love the Word of God, hate sin and evil, uplift the name of Jesus and the King James Bible, choose motherhood over a career, choose Christian friends wisely who believe the same and love Christ, attend a church where the ladies are taught to be feminine and obey their husbands, learn to cook and sew at home, turn off the TV (hellivision) because it will poison your mind and soul against your husband and God, study the Bible, listen to lots of godly preaching, listen to the Bible being read, listen to godly music instead of worldly sensual garbage, refrain from gossip and being a busybody in other people's marriage problems, have a schedule and stick to it, take time for yourself each day to enjoy life, and love your husband and children unconditionally (because they won't always be there)! Motherhood is the greatest gift and profession on earth. It's too bad that the average girl doesn't spend 5 minutes preparing for motherhood, because our Godless society doesn't think it's important. Think about that for a moment.

Women need to become wise and realize that there is an agenda at work in THE SYSTEM to destroy your marriage, your husband, kill your babies in the womb and leave you punching a clock in a factory for the rest of your life... all in the name of women's liberation. Boy, the Devil saw you coming and he swindled you out of happiness, a big family, a wonderful marriage and all that you could have had. The Devil is a thief who comes only to steal, kill and destroy your life!!! (John 10:10).


“Why does not the Bible limit a wife's obedience to her husband? Why does the Scripture not say, as many wish it did say, that a wife should be subject to her husband as long as he is right and true to the Bible? Or why does it not say, as Mrs. Goforth interprets it in How I Know God Answers Prayer, that a wife should be subject to her husband in all matters but spiritual matters? But that is not what the Bible commands. Rather the Bible says, 'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord,' that is, as unto Jesus Christ, and so of course in complete submission. And again, 'Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing' (Eph. 5:22,24).”

SOURCE: Success-Prone Christians, by Dr. John R. Rice; chapter 2; pg. 44,45

Luke 17:26-27, “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.”

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